Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quick Preparation Update

I'm down to 6 days before the big departure, and I am totally not ready.

I emailed the head of the language department at the Gymnasium and asked for a little more information about the dress code and bringing DVDs (they want me to start a film club after school). Apparently, my clothes "shouldn't be too conservative and not 'too sexy'." Yes, the word 'sexy' actually appeared in the email. (Does "not too conservative" = jeans? I think it does.)

To make myself feel better about my serious slacking issue, here's what I have accomplished lately:
- Emailed 21 WGs to set up times to visit their apartments. (Five responses, four rejected me right off the bat, and one told me to call when I got to Berlin-- in other words, a polite rejection because I won't be in Berlin for two more weeks.)
- Took brother to pet store to buy a mouse for his snake and ended up with a cat in my lap about 30 seconds after entering the store.
- Found brother's snake after G got distracted while feeding it and left it in the bathtub.
- Bought not-too-conservative and not-too-sexy clothes. (Thanks, KC!)
- Baked chocolate biscotti and Pfeffernuesse (like gingerbread cookies) with KC. Failed at making tempeh chili.

On the agenda for the next few days:
- trek down to Oxford to see friends and to ask for letters of recommendation
- figure out how I'm going to get my coats to Germany
- decide if it's worth investing in a larger suitcase. I have one regular sized one and a mini one-- not sure the mini one is going to be useful in dragging a year's worth of things abroad.
- set up at least three appointments to see rooms at WGs. I swear, I am not procrastinating. This finding housing thing has been a disaster.

Friday, August 13, 2010

T-Minus 20 Days

... and there's still so much to do.

Since Saturday is my last day of work, my life is slowly shifting to revolve around Fulbright preparation.

On my weekend to do list:
1. Send at least 15 emails to potential WGs (Wohngemeinschaften, where a few people get together and rent an apartment to cut down on costs). I started to contact WGs in June, but no one wanted to wait three months for a potential apartment-mate. Don't worry-- I'm living with a teacher from my Gymnasium for the first week.

2. Do a trial run of packing and see how many wintery things my mom needs to send to me. Crossing my fingers that everything will fit!

3. Buy a new jacket. I am not taking my hideous light blue one to Berlin.

4. Finish job application for next year. It's due in 8 days, and I still have to write the letter of intent and some blurbs about my work history and extracurriculars.

5. Apply for a credit card. Yep, I survived 5 years of undergrad without a CC.

6. Clean my room. Contrary to what most people think, I am a slob. The good news is that I found $10 this morning while going through my high school stuff!

7. Work on my cooking skills. I have not burned soup lately, but my latest Moroccan stew was disappointing.