Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mini-Trips #3 and 4: Postdam and Mainz

A few weeks ago, J and J's friend decided to visit Potsdam before the weather got too bad, and since I'm an adventurous person who has a Semesterticket for the ABC areas, I decided to join them.

So, off we went. Germany always feels so empty on Sundays, and Potsdam was no exception: it felt almost like a movie-- gorgeous buildings with no one in them. I love how every German city feels a little bit different (Munich: schickimicki; Bremen- gemuetlich and friendly; Berlin- chaotic, grungy, but still pretty relaxed; Potsdam- beautiful but empty). Even though Potsdam is less than an hour from my WG, it's in a completely different world.

It was a beautiful, peaceful, and empty world. To be fair, that's partially because we visited on a Sunday, and even Berlin is quiet on Sundays.

This week, I briefly visited another Fulbrighter in Mainz before taking the CBEST in Frankfurt. Mainz reminded me a lot of Bremen: it had the small-town charm in a slightly larger setting, and a lot of the buildings are very stereotypically German. I loved the orange/pink buildings with the white trim! As we were walking back to E's apartment, I commented that it was very quiet, even for a Wednesday night.

Well, it was calm and pretty until we ran into a group of teenagers, who asked us if we were interested in being models. I got the "you're very pretty" speech from yet another creepy guy, while E was complimented on her hair. I also got a strong impression that they would have given us a harder time if we hadn't spoken German; they intercepted us as we were talking in English, and they completely surrounded us. Sooo... yeah, okay, don't walk alone in cities!

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